Day 8 Part 1 Lugu, Shuili, CheCheng, Jiji 鹿谷,水里、車程、集集
This is the hardest post of all. Somehow, it seemed to me that after I finish this post then the journey has really come to an end..
I woke up later than usual today and did not really know what to do. I wandered aimlessly out to the street. Zhang Mama called out to me as I walked past and she invited me into her hair salon. The place had room for only 2 customers but it is sufficient as she serves regular customers who would call her for appointment. Jerry brought me around the vicinity to show me where the stream used to run across the village behind the block of house. There were also many buildings which used cheaper materials to add additional levels or rooms to existing houses and hence destroyed much of the visual appeal.
我今天比平日起的晚些且不知道要做什麼。我沒目標的在街上遊蕩。張媽媽在我經過她的理髮店前叫我進去坐。這個工作室雖只有兩個供理髮客人的座位,但足以服務那些平時會打電話來預約的的顧客。Jerry 帶我去附近走走,介紹一條位於房子後街道上過往是穿越村莊的小溪流。有很多建築物使用材質較便宜的鐵皮,作為頂樓加蓋的屋頂,但這樣破壞了整體的美感。
Modernization seem to be a doubled edged sword. In the attempt to pursue a newer and modern lifestyle in the fastest and cheapest way, much of the beauty and quality that goes into old buildings are lost. Perhaps, we are all guilty of this in one way or another. Seeking a balance between the two somehow seems to be a luxury that could only be afford by countries that have moved beyond development of economy to one which holds art and history in the same regard.
We left the house for a day trip to some neighbouring townships. Jerry decided to stop by a farm so that his son, Brian could see some cows. The car journey was entertaining as it was full of little Brian's chatter. He reads a lot and I dare say his general knowledge is way better than those of the Singaporean kids. Though the common issues of wanting to play with electronic gadgets is also prevalent, both dad and granny do not indulge him and quickly diverts his attention away unlike some Singaporean parents who would just allow the kids unlimited time on the gadget. I think it is important that children do not spend too much time on gadgets as it ruins their attention span and takes away precious time for human interaction which is getting weaker in each newer generation.
我們決定到鄰近鄉鎮一日遊。途中Jerry在一處路邊的養著牛的牧場停車,讓Brian 可以好好觀賞牛。這旅途由於Brian的童言童語變得很有趣。他閱讀很多書且我敢說他比一般同年的新加坡孩子的常識更加廣泛。雖然有著共同的問題想玩電子產品,但父親跟奶奶為了不讓他太過沉迷於這些東西,會儘快轉移他的注意力,而不同於新加坡的父母會無限制的允許孩子玩。我認為別讓孩子花太多時間在電子產品上是很重要的,它會影響注意力且剝奪與人互動的時間,這情狀在年輕的世代日益嚴重。
We stopped by CheCheng station and old street and strolled around the exhibits and enjoyed the atmosphere with retro songs sung by the 2 singers playing in the background. Would be a nice place to drink tea and sit down with a picnic lunch if not for the number of people there. Winter holidays and it being a Saturday was the cause.
We ended the road trip with a visit to the 灯会 at the local temple. Zhang mama still had to go home and prepare to pray to 天宫. Everyone was pretty tired at the end of the day. Really thanks to Jerry for driving us all day despite being very tired.
Day 8 Part 2 Lugu
I stayed a total of 4 nights at Lugu StoryHouse. Why? You may ask. It is not located near famous landmarks, nor is it full of amenities. In fact, there is no TV in the house nor fridge or bathroom inside the room even.
Every night I chat extensively with Jerry (regardless of how tired he was, he still made time to come by and chat) or if he is not around, with his mom. I find that the sharing of experience and ideas is more precious than visiting any places of interest. Through the late night chats we had, I have an understanding of a person's determination to overcome odds and the steps and struggles he goes through to tackle the problems. Just having a dream and not doing anything about it, is plain naive and foolish but when it is coupled with a clear vision and directions, it becomes something attainable. Jerry has all that and on top of that he has deep understanding of people and a highly driven and positive attitude. Nothing cannot be done as long as sufficient hard work and patience is put into it. I think he embodies this sentence.
In those sharing sessions, we discussed many things, including tourism, marketing strategies, consumer behaviour, education, religion, life etc. And I must admit I knew far lesser and my train of thoughts sometimes were not complete. This humbling experience enables me to see myself for who I am and inspires me to pick up some books again.
Throughout the days here, both him and Zhang Mama kept me engaged, always included me in their activities and ensured that I was well fed at all times! My brain and stomach were the primary beneficiaries. Haha...
The room can be replicated, the services, the food and tours can be replicated but that special human touch which is at Lugu StoryHouse cannot be found anywhere else. I have been to so many hostels before and though I may like the bed or the breakfast or the decos or make new friends but never once I felt so much connection, so much openness in sharing that I actually feel energised and rejuvenated after it. 酒逢知己千杯少, just replace 酒 with 茶,and we have it.
At the start of Part 1, I mentioned that by completing this post, it really does signifies the end of this journey. However, since Jerry is going to write something beyond what I had written, he suggested that it was instead a journey to be continued. Sounds interesting, I can't wait to read it. :)
Jerry 將在我寫完這些文章後也寫一篇文,他提及這文就如同這趟旅程的延續。聽起來很有趣,我等不及想讀它。



Cows and calves. 犊 Refers to calves, I learnt this when Jerry was explaining it to Brian. Always
heard of 初生之犊不怕虎 but never thought about the word before. Always good to learn something


Popular ice cream shop (near the 二坪山古道) which used to serve the needs of the employees of
the power station



明谭水库,a much less crowded place to admire a body of water than Sun Moon Lake. It is within
walking distance to CheCheng old street. We walked cos there wasn't enough place to park so don't
go on weekends & public holidays and winter or summer holidays.


Quite a nice quaint little village centred around the CheCheng station. The smell of wood permeated
the air. The odd thing here is the tea shop situated above the restrooms...真是别有一番风味啊! Haha


Fishes here are big and fat. For 10NTD, you get a small box of fish feed. Brian really enjoyed feeding them!



I love the noodles and meatballs.


My favorite photo of all. The interaction between father and child. Precious.


A sumptuous dinner at 南轩99快炒 at Jiji. Errmmm I forgot to take photo before we started..We
did pretty well! 3 adults and 1 kid and we almost cleared out everything. Super full after that.
Zhang Mama simply refused to let me settle the bill. I guess I just have to come back again to
treat them to a meal.



We went to Jiji 武昌宫 a local temple to see the lanterns which were a part of the Chinese New
Year Celebrations. We saw a Sun Wu Kong (monkey god) performing magic on stage. Tough job...
Need to do acrobatics and magic but supporting music and emcee was not able to build up to the
climax. Very diligent but not very exciting. The children seemed to like it though.




    創作者 張策  Jerry 的頭像
    張策 Jerry


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