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以下是佳榮 這幾天拍的照 與文字紀錄。







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張策 Jerry 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



































「這說來話長了! 這是我年輕時的一段回憶。」





















自從發現她之後,從停車場到學校的這段路,眼裡再也沒有別的事物了! 看著她緩緩走入這段場景內,我的眼神變得熱切,心跳加速,身心被這感覺一圈一圈由下往上淹沒,直到窒息感湧現,才讓自己從白日夢醒來。自從這一刻起,上學變得有意思,變得期待每天上學。







怕她覺得突兀,趕緊補上一句說 :「我是你哥哥的同班同學」


她可愛的臉頰,迅速被害羞染紅,側著臉說 :「你好!我有聽我哥提過你喔!他說你成績不錯!




她回答說 : 「可以,但不可以走太近喔!如果我哥來了!我們就要保持距離,我怕他會跟我爸媽打小報告。」

























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那你煩惱什麼? 醫學院學生在大學入學考試中,是前面極少數的菁英,如果你們都覺憂愁了,那其他人怎辦?








相片拍攝地點: 鹿谷小半天 長源圳步道


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當然香港來的朋友,也特別與她們丟丟銅的歌,她們一聽到關鍵段 丟丟...也是笑得人仰馬翻,花枝亂顫的。























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來自英國的Adam ,美國的Nail Amily 及他們的台灣友人,一行四人來鹿谷四天三日遊。與Adam有比較多的交流用英文問他來自哪?他說了一個我不太熟悉的英國地名,最後他用手機goole給我看,原來來自英國的諾丁漢郡( Notthingham, England),聽地名很陌生,但在他介紹說是俠盜王子羅賓漢的故鄉後,才拉近對其故鄉了解的距離!















Nail 也是個老師,為自己取了一個很有皇家氣息的名字,龍奈爾,一個靦腆,非印象中典型的美國人。

Amily Advanced 英語雜誌的特約撰稿作家,也是個畫家。當我也提及,自己也曾浸淫這本英文學習雜誌多時,頓時拉近些彼此的距離。









頓時,台灣代表隊的壓力沉重。 Adam 說他的中文寫的比英文好。因為他在台北也在大學修中文,但能寫這得多字令人印象深刻。


Amily 拿著筆信手捻來,在留言簿上畫了一幅畫。真有藝術家的身手。


Nail 寫了自己的中文名字,龍奈爾。頗符合他隱約透出的貴族族氣息。他也能說一點簡單的中文。






接著由來自台北的特教老師,及一對台中的情侶書寫 。這老外與台灣人輪流書寫,構成一幅東方與西方水乳交融趣味橫生的畫面。



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謝謝相贈 洪震宇老師 走自己的路,做有故事的人一書






妳的夢想在妳發抒實行那一刻已成就 過去 現在 未來 皆是如此
















張策 Jerry 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Day 8 Part 1 Lugu, Shuili, CheCheng, Jiji 鹿谷,水里、車程、集集
This is the hardest post of all. Somehow, it seemed to me that after I finish this post then the journey has really come to an end..
I woke up later than usual today and did not really know what to do. I wandered aimlessly out to the street. Zhang Mama called out to me as I walked past and she invited me into her hair salon. The place had room for only 2 customers but it is sufficient as she serves regular customers who would call her for appointment. Jerry brought me around the vicinity to show me where the stream used to run across the village behind the block of house. There were also many buildings which used cheaper materials to add additional levels or rooms to existing houses and hence destroyed much of the visual appeal.
我今天比平日起的晚些且不知道要做什麼。我沒目標的在街上遊蕩。張媽媽在我經過她的理髮店前叫我進去坐。這個工作室雖只有兩個供理髮客人的座位,但足以服務那些平時會打電話來預約的的顧客。Jerry 帶我去附近走走,介紹一條位於房子後街道上過往是穿越村莊的小溪流。有很多建築物使用材質較便宜的鐵皮,作為頂樓加蓋的屋頂,但這樣破壞了整體的美感。
Modernization seem to be a doubled edged sword. In the attempt to pursue a newer and modern lifestyle in the fastest and cheapest way, much of the beauty and quality that goes into old buildings are lost. Perhaps, we are all guilty of this in one way or another. Seeking a balance between the two somehow seems to be a luxury that could only be afford by countries that have moved beyond development of economy to one which holds art and history in the same regard.
We left the house for a day trip to some neighbouring townships. Jerry decided to stop by a farm so that his son, Brian could see some cows. The car journey was entertaining as it was full of little Brian's chatter. He reads a lot and I dare say his general knowledge is way better than those of the Singaporean kids. Though the common issues of wanting to play with electronic gadgets is also prevalent, both dad and granny do not indulge him and quickly diverts his attention away unlike some Singaporean parents who would just allow the kids unlimited time on the gadget. I think it is important that children do not spend too much time on gadgets as it ruins their attention span and takes away precious time for human interaction which is getting weaker in each newer generation.
我們決定到鄰近鄉鎮一日遊。途中Jerry在一處路邊的養著牛的牧場停車,讓Brian 可以好好觀賞牛。這旅途由於Brian的童言童語變得很有趣。他閱讀很多書且我敢說他比一般同年的新加坡孩子的常識更加廣泛。雖然有著共同的問題想玩電子產品,但父親跟奶奶為了不讓他太過沉迷於這些東西,會儘快轉移他的注意力,而不同於新加坡的父母會無限制的允許孩子玩。我認為別讓孩子花太多時間在電子產品上是很重要的,它會影響注意力且剝奪與人互動的時間,這情狀在年輕的世代日益嚴重。
We stopped by CheCheng station and old street and strolled around the exhibits and enjoyed the atmosphere with retro songs sung by the 2 singers playing in the background. Would be a nice place to drink tea and sit down with a picnic lunch if not for the number of people there. Winter holidays and it being a Saturday was the cause.
We ended the road trip with a visit to the 灯会 at the local temple. Zhang mama still had to go home and prepare to pray to 天宫. Everyone was pretty tired at the end of the day. Really thanks to Jerry for driving us all day despite being very tired.
Day 8 Part 2 Lugu
I stayed a total of 4 nights at Lugu StoryHouse. Why? You may ask. It is not located near famous landmarks, nor is it full of amenities. In fact, there is no TV in the house nor fridge or bathroom inside the room even.
Every night I chat extensively with Jerry (regardless of how tired he was, he still made time to come by and chat) or if he is not around, with his mom. I find that the sharing of experience and ideas is more precious than visiting any places of interest. Through the late night chats we had, I have an understanding of a person's determination to overcome odds and the steps and struggles he goes through to tackle the problems. Just having a dream and not doing anything about it, is plain naive and foolish but when it is coupled with a clear vision and directions, it becomes something attainable. Jerry has all that and on top of that he has deep understanding of people and a highly driven and positive attitude. Nothing cannot be done as long as sufficient hard work and patience is put into it. I think he embodies this sentence.
In those sharing sessions, we discussed many things, including tourism, marketing strategies, consumer behaviour, education, religion, life etc. And I must admit I knew far lesser and my train of thoughts sometimes were not complete. This humbling experience enables me to see myself for who I am and inspires me to pick up some books again.
Throughout the days here, both him and Zhang Mama kept me engaged, always included me in their activities and ensured that I was well fed at all times! My brain and stomach were the primary beneficiaries. Haha...
The room can be replicated, the services, the food and tours can be replicated but that special human touch which is at Lugu StoryHouse cannot be found anywhere else. I have been to so many hostels before and though I may like the bed or the breakfast or the decos or make new friends but never once I felt so much connection, so much openness in sharing that I actually feel energised and rejuvenated after it. 酒逢知己千杯少, just replace 酒 with 茶,and we have it.
At the start of Part 1, I mentioned that by completing this post, it really does signifies the end of this journey. However, since Jerry is going to write something beyond what I had written, he suggested that it was instead a journey to be continued. Sounds interesting, I can't wait to read it. :)
Jerry 將在我寫完這些文章後也寫一篇文,他提及這文就如同這趟旅程的延續。聽起來很有趣,我等不及想讀它。



Cows and calves. 犊 Refers to calves, I learnt this when Jerry was explaining it to Brian. Always
heard of 初生之犊不怕虎 but never thought about the word before. Always good to learn something


Popular ice cream shop (near the 二坪山古道) which used to serve the needs of the employees of
the power station



明谭水库,a much less crowded place to admire a body of water than Sun Moon Lake. It is within
walking distance to CheCheng old street. We walked cos there wasn't enough place to park so don't
go on weekends & public holidays and winter or summer holidays.


Quite a nice quaint little village centred around the CheCheng station. The smell of wood permeated
the air. The odd thing here is the tea shop situated above the restrooms...真是别有一番风味啊! Haha


Fishes here are big and fat. For 10NTD, you get a small box of fish feed. Brian really enjoyed feeding them!



I love the noodles and meatballs.


My favorite photo of all. The interaction between father and child. Precious.


A sumptuous dinner at 南轩99快炒 at Jiji. Errmmm I forgot to take photo before we started..We
did pretty well! 3 adults and 1 kid and we almost cleared out everything. Super full after that.
Zhang Mama simply refused to let me settle the bill. I guess I just have to come back again to
treat them to a meal.



We went to Jiji 武昌宫 a local temple to see the lanterns which were a part of the Chinese New
Year Celebrations. We saw a Sun Wu Kong (monkey god) performing magic on stage. Tough job...
Need to do acrobatics and magic but supporting music and emcee was not able to build up to the
climax. Very diligent but not very exciting. The children seemed to like it though.





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This article was written by Singaporean lady the third day in Lugu. This article was written by Ong Yu Chang.  The translation is by Jerry. 
以是新加坡女生在鹿谷第三天的遊記。 由Jerry 翻譯。
Day 7 Part 1 Lugu, Zhushan
I decided to take a walk up the famous Dong Ding Shan to see the sunrise. As I turned into the road beside the fire station, just beyond the light from the street lamp, I heard a sound from the top of the trees, thinking it was a bat (I always think it is good luck to see a bat) I look up and stood still and to my surprise and delight, I saw the wise eyes of an..Owl! Imagine my joy!
我決定走上凍頂山去看日出。當我轉入消防隊一旁路燈後面的小路時。聽到樹梢上傳來聲響。猜測應該是蝙蝠(我總認為看到蝙蝠是帶來好運)。我久立其間往上查看,出乎我意料而感到欣喜,我看到一雙睿智的眼睛....是貓頭鷹! 心中滿溢著難以言喻的喜悅!
I didn't get the sunrise pictures as the fog was too thick but it was a good workout. As I walked pass the tea trees that produce the famous Dong Ding Tea, I noticed some vegetable patches which was beside the tea trees. Considering that this is premium tea planting area, using it for vegetables seemed rather strange so I went closer to take a photo. I must say guard dogs here take their job very seriously. I was given a loud and sharp warning bark and believe me, I literally ran out of the boundary at lightning speed. As I walked away, I turned back to see the serious guard dog staring at me, making sure I did not turn back
After heading back to the Story House for breakfast, I decided to go to Zhushan. I told Zhang Mama about my plan and she decided to drive me to Zhushan as she was going to the temple there. Thanks to her I saved a lot of time waiting and taking the bus to Zhushan city centre. Unfortunately, the connecting bus up to the sky ladder has only 3 journeys per day. I missed the first one and the middle one is about 3hrs away. The visitor centre staff was very helpful as she suggested to take private car up and she helped me contact the driver for pick up. The journey cost me NTD 600 for one way. That is more expensive than train tickets from Taoyuan to Chiayi...But then i don't have much choice as it was up a mountainous region and the driver likely had to drive an empty car down so I guess it was justifiable.
From the entrance to the sky ladder till the sky ladder was about 30mins of downwards steps. I started imagining the agony of the return journey and kept time all the way to ensure I don't miss the last bus back to Zhushan city centre.
The Sky ladder was a long suspension bridge across a gorge. Across the Sky Ladder, you see the Taiji Gorge, there is a shrine for Earth god and goddess, Green Dragon or Qing Long Waterfall and the trail ends with Yu Fu suspension bridge and a similiar route back (there is 2 parts where the route splits into 2 so that there won't be a human jam).
As I was overly worried about missing the last bus, I actually went too fast. The weather was too hot for me to stay long too even though I had plenty of food to last me the day (Thanks to Zhang Mama who packed me tea eggs, apple, orange and biscuits.)
I ended up finishing the entire journey to and back by about 1215 which makes it possible for me to catch the midday bus back downtown. The bus stop was quite a distance away from the entrance and I was seriously tempted to raise my thumb to hitch a ride to the bus stop or even downtown but I persevered knowing that the information I gained would be beneficial for other travellers.
The feeling of standing at a bus stop in the middle of nowhere with no cars and no human in sight with the occasional goose and roosters calls nearby is quite an experience. Makes one subconsciously unsettled and it is no wonder that I checked out that bus stop sign no less than 10 times in that 20 or 30mins and makes it feel that time passes extra slowly. Fortunately I had unsettled and sweet apples to take my mind off things.
Day 7 Part 2 Zhushan, Lugu
Back to Zhushan city centre and since I have time to spare and the bus station is on the way, I took a short walk around the local markets and temple. Feeling curious about the soft pinkish looking Kueh at the shop, I asked and found out that it is only available because tonight the locals pray to 天宫 thus the muah chee was for that purpose.
After reaching Lugu, I decided to go to 1936小食堂, the restaurant that we went on the first night in Lugu but did not manage to try as they had ran out of food.
The young lady running this has much passion and is highly focused on the direction of her restaurant. She is another example of the younger generation who are much more exposed to the external world but still wishes to return to her roots in Lugu and start her business, albeit an uphill task as the vast majority of her local community can still be rather conservative and reluctant to accept new tastes. She insists on using locally sourced vegetables and does not use any artificial and instant seasonings.
I hear her story and admire her guts and determination as she holds the fort on her own and only has her sister to help out occasionally. Fortunately the local community is still kind and understanding to her limitations and unlike doing business in Singapore, she does not have to worry about high rental as the property is owned so the likelihood she will be able to sustain the business in the long term is still rather high as long as she maintains her passion and direction. I wish her all the best and hope that I can still meet her again when I visit again.


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 10 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Grinding and packing flour for sale. 磨米麩及包裝銷售。

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 5鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Famous Ma Tzu temple in Zhushan. It is a heritage site.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 2鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

The pinkish stuff are muah chee for tonight's prayers. There is green bean filling inside and
tastes yummy! I bought some for Jerry and his mum, hope they like it.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 7鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Purple Chinese Yam. Not very tasty but supposed to be healthy I think.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 9鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Saplings for sale 販售的樹苗。

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 8 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Drying radish for storage. 乾燥的白蘿蔔便於存放。

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 4 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Interesting notice back in Lugu Township, at Guang Xing village. Free dentures for those 65


years and above for those who are in need and for those who have lived and are still living


in the township.



遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 13 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Quaint little restaurant in Guang Xing village open by a young local girl.


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 3 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Detailed location and contact. Please call before going to check if they are open and still have food.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 1 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Menu changes regularly to keep regular customers interested.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 11鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Locally sourced produce for cooking and for sale. No msg, no instant seasonings used here.
All natural and organic.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 12鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Adorable decorations.可愛的裝飾品。

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Day6 6 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

The side dishes changes regularly to be in line with the season of the vegetables. Winter is
good for kimchi as napa cabbage is sweet.

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The second day she stayed in Lugu. Our family brew tea with her and let her cosplay as a tea picker.



Below is the journal which she wrote. And I translate it into Chinese.




Day 6


Lugu, where exactly is this place? Some of you must be wondering. Those of you who love to drink tea may have heard of Dong Ding Oolong tea. Yes, Lugu is a region long used for tea cultivation.


鹿谷?這地方確切的位置在哪? 不少人一定不太清楚。那些愛茶的人或許聽過凍頂烏龍茶。沒錯! 鹿谷正是一個長期種植茶葉的區域。


廣興, where i am staying is the location of Dong Ding Shan. The village with its small quiet alleys and many old houses is generally quiet and peaceful. A big main road built in the name of development now cuts through the heart of the village, linking the village to many popular tourist sites like Xitou, Monster Village and to bigger cities like Taichung.




Tea is the economic lifeline of this place. Just count the number of tea shops, and merchants along the street. Most focus on wholesale thus the shops do not seem very inviting to the usual tourist... Not that there are a lot of tourists here, Lugu don't seem to get much foreigners during low seasons.


Lugu Story House is built with a vision to showcase the fundamental roots of Lugu to people all over the world. It has a beautiful and inviting exterior and warm and cosy interior. You can only guess how much deliberation and perseverance was put into it.

With that objective to create an immersive experience for his guests, (and perhaps inspired by some previous cosplay guests), we all decided to go to the tea plantation and pretend we were tea pickers. It was interesting to see the interactions between Jerry and his mom and then relate it to myself. Seems that mother and child relationships everywhere has that similar side.


鹿谷故事館一樓的裝潢是一個櫥窗的概念,理念是植基鹿谷於鹿谷到全世界的人們。她有著美麗友善的外觀也有著溫暖舒適的內在。你可想像多少的思忖與堅持投注其中。為了他的客人創造一個身歷其境的體驗,(或許被先前那些角色扮演的客人所啟發),我們決定到茶園扮演採茶姑娘。看到Jerry 跟他母親的互動很有趣,然而感受這與我自身的關聯。似乎任何親子之間的互動都有其相似的部分。


The funny part was the tea plantation owner came to check us out, halfway through our photo taking. He must have been worried that we were doing something to his tea trees or even wondering where did all these extra tea picking workers come from...Haha

最有趣的部分是當我們拍照時,茶園的主人來查看。他必定很擔心我們對他的茶樹做什麼。或是摸不著頭緒的想著這些採茶工出自何處? !

Having tea in a tea plantation was a refreshing experience. The views, the sound of wind, the smell of the freshness in the air, the taste of the warm tea, the warmth radiating down the throat, the tranquility of the mind...茶禅一味 Indeed


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 7 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Very closely packed tea trees. Wonder if it might have some effects on the soil conditions and ecology of the mountain.


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 2鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

A contraption for transporting heavy stuff such as fertilizer up the steep slopes. We were joking about roller coaster rides on the steep slopes of the tea plantations. Haha...

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 6鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Jerry taking photo of his mom, and me stealing a photo of them. Hehe

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 3 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 1 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Gingko Forest...All the white ones are gingko trees planted to counter soil erosion as required by the law. The owners probably try to trim all the branches so that the gingkos do not block the sunshine from the tea trees.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 8 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Sakura flowers at 石马公园 at 小半天

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 5 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Exterior of Lugu Story House looks and feels full of flavour just like tea.

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 4 鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Heart Sutra, Calligraphy by Jerry


Tasteful decorations in the house

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生 Dayˊ6 10鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Home cooked mee sua by Zhang Mama with vinegar and oolong tea seed oil. Simple but very tasty.






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The article was written by a Singaporean lady who works at an NPO. She had visited Taiwan for eight days during Chinese New Year. However, she spent  four days experiencing the local life in Lugu. 

The article is translated into Chinese by Jerry.



Day 5 Part 2

Back in Lugu, i was treated to a wonderful steamboat hotpot of 薑母鸭 by the host of the homestay. I haven't had a sit down dinner (been eating at night markets) for a few days so I really enjoy this one and the

up and ingredients were all very very tasty!


I didn't post yesterday as I had a long and engaging chat with the owner of Lugu Story house till late. Jerry is a person with a lot of positive energy and he has an open mind thus is a joy to share experiences and viewpoints.

昨天跟故事館主人Jerry 聊的很晚,所以昨天沒po文。Jerry是一個富有正能量及開放態度的人,因此很開心與分享一些經驗與觀點。

When I travel, I look for unique local experiences and love personal encounters with the locals and dislike grossly commercialised places of interests but I have never thought much about the general state of tourism and how much it is a direct result of marketing efforts. When I heard him talk about the direction he is taking, I could see that I share the same sentiments about travel, just that I have never thought so deeply about it. I was actually inspired to think more deeply about things and I think that is really awesome indeed.



遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生  Day5 part 2   3                  鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

The 薑母鸭 hotpot. U get to order the ingredients that u like for the hotpot 


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生  Day5 part 2   5                   鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

Mee sua is yummy.i finished it real fast. The sauce is the restaurant homemade chilli sauce with 豆腐乳

麵線真美味! 我很快就吃完。這是餐廳自製的豆腐乳。

遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生  Day5 part 2   2                     鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

There are frozen beancurd, mushrooms, duck meatballs, cabbage and duck blood with glutinous rice


遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生  Day5 1                       鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

A secret natural laundry washing area under a bridge in Lugu Township. Amazingly it is

still in use by some old ladies. The water is so clean and clear that tiny prawns live in it.

I guarantee u will never find it without Jerry. I am 100% sure about that.




遠方有朋 來自新加坡的女生  Day5 part 2   4                   鹿谷故事館背包客棧溪頭民宿 LuguStoryHouseBackerpackerHostel

My bed for the night. How I wish I can replicate the entire place in my home.



延伸閱讀:鹿谷廣興的秘密天然洗衣基地 請點: https://goo.gl/PbXXGQ


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