

On Saturday evening, the boss of Tian-shiang tea shop led a tall man to the hostel by motorcycle. After the man took off the helmet, I found he was a foreigner with high-bridged nose, black beard and wore his hair in a ponytail.  



    這外國人中英文交雜著與我們對話,中文雖稱不上流利,但基本對話還不錯!因為很少接觸到外國人,且還略懂中文,母親難掩興奮地張大耳朵、不自覺瞠目結舌的直視著這位老外,「你叫甚麼名字?怎麼唸啊?」我叫「Gregory」,母親學著發他的名字「GRE….」,她不甚精準的發音,逗得在場的人笑得人仰馬翻,後來叫她土法煉鋼法發音「Gre(用台語發 瓜 的音) go(狗的音) ry(瑞的音)」那老外不禁笑容滿溢地說「媽媽妳好棒!」這個跨國的交流對母親來說,既難得又有趣,畢竟身居山上,外國人的身影少見。

This foreigner talked with us in Chinese and English. He spoke Chinese was not very fluent, but the basic conversation was still great. My mom stared at him in surprise and listened to every words he spoke attentively because she seldom met the foreigner, especially can spoke Chinese a little. Mom asked him“What’s your name?”

He respond that my name is Gregory. Mom tried to learn to speak his name, but her unprecise pronunciation amuse us a lot. Later, I taught her speak this word in transforming the sound into the similar sound in Chinese to help her pronounce it easily. When my mom spoke his name successfully, Gregory complimented her. He said “You are so great, mom.” with a big smile. This transnational exchange is rare and interesting for my mom because it is hard to see foreigners as residing in mountain. 


    難得有遠道而來的朋友,母親秉著有朋遠方,不亦樂乎得精神,認真地款待,搬出了最近在研發的拿手菜,苦茶油拌麵線加上幾道當地的時蔬。爽口且開胃。Gregory 大讚母親的手藝。

 It is not very often that a friend comes here from faraway place. My mom hold the spirit that it is such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar to treat him well. She cooked her signature dish- vermicelli with camellia oil and seasonal vegetables. It was tasty, refreshing, and gave people a good appetite. Gregory gave Mom unstinted praise.



After the meal, we communicate with each other more while drinking tea. Exotic atmosphere close to blend during the fragrance of tea. During the conversation, I knew he engaged himself in trade in Fujian province, China. No wonder he could speak some Chinese. His object of trade is tea . That is also the reason why he is looking for tea in Taiwan. Every time I see foreigner ardently love our culture, I feel so touched. So I promoted our tea greatly to him. He also mentioned the quality of Taiwanese tea is more pure and steady than Chinese tea.

    外國人對台灣茶竟有這麼大的熱情,且相繼有德國人甚至俄羅斯人來鹿谷尋茶,在他們的眼中台灣茶必定有一定的品質,且在他們的國家有不小的市場,身處茶鄉何其幸運,更應更深入了解茶的箇中奧妙 ,進而與各國友人分享她的美好!

 It is out of my expectation that foreigners love our tea deeply. Foreigners come to Taiwan to look for tea one after another, even the German and Russian. I think Taiwanese tea must have excellent quality and gain high market share in their country. How lucky I can live in a county producing tea. I should have more understanding about tea and share this wonderful things with everyone.


    俄羅斯人 鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶

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