


    而鹿谷的凍頂烏龍茶,乃是屬於青茶類,而屬於青茶類的茶還有鐵觀音茶、文山包種茶、東方美人 (又名椪風茶、白毫烏龍、五色茶)。青茶類,乃是無論茶種,而是以青茶製作方式產出的茶。而凍頂烏龍茶、鐵觀音及文山包種茶,因其製作方式有些微不同而有不同的茶名。

 氣質出眾 風情萬千的茶席 1 鹿谷故事館背包客棧 lugustoryhouse backpacker hostel


茶菁 ­­–> 日光萎凋 ­­–> 室內萎凋及攪拌 ­­–> 炒菁 ­­–> 揉捻

  ­­–> 初乾 ­­–> 團揉 ­­–> 再乾 ---此為毛茶;烘焙為精製。








    It’s not easy to clarify all types of tea for the beginners of tea learning. The first step is to realize tea is from understanding what’s different between all types of tea.

There are six kinds of tea in the world, such as black tea, yellow tea, green tea, dark tea, white tea and celadon tea. To distinguish different kind of tea is according to the process of making tea not based on the different tea plant varieties. Such as Oolong Black Tea and Black Oolong Tea, Oolong Black Tea is kind of black tea and its dry tea is shed or twist shape. This kind of tea is use the leaves of Oolong tea plant variety to make black tea. However, Black Oolong Tea is one kind of Oolong tea. It combines the process of making Black tea and Oolong tea, but most part is based on the process of making Oolong Tea.

Dong Ding Oolong Tea of Lugu Township is one kind of Celadon. Oriental Beauty(White Tip OolongBoast TeaMotley Tea), Pouchong Tea(Light Oolong)Iron Goddess tea are Celadon tea. All of them are followed the process of making Celadon tea. However, they have different names because of some subtle making processes.

The process of making Dong Ding Oolong tea. T

There are two major methods.

Primary ProcessingThen roasting.  

Tea Harvesting(Fresh leaves­­–> sun withering ­­–> indoor withering and tossing –> stir fixation ­­–> rolling­­–> First time drying ­­–>Ball rolling ­­–> Re-drying.

Refining processing:

Remove the tea stem ­­–> Roasting.



Dong Ding Oolong Tea is one type of Celadon tea.

We can distinguish the Oolong tea and black tea from the appearance of dry tea. The former looks like ball shapeThe latter looks like shed or twist.


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